The Village Christmas Project 2022

Hello, everyone! I hope you are all having a beautiful holiday season. I know it’s difficult for many of you. Seven years ago, I watched several friends going through hard times, but I didn’t have a way to help them myself. I figured out a way, though, by setting up The Village Christmas Project

I set each family up with an anonymous Amazon wish list that anyone from anywhere can shop off of. I look forward to this every year.

This year, I have five families: all of them have been impacted by #longCOVID, and two of them are currently #homeless. I know all of them personally, what they are going through now, what they have come through already.

Please, if you are able, look through their lists. I encourage them to include not just needs but wants as well. Sometimes they need a lot of encouragement on the latter.

And if you aren’t able to shop their lists, please share this. I put a lot of thought and love into this every year.

Family A:

Family of three. Mom is a COVID long-hauler. Dad was laid off earlier this year, and just this week, mom was as well. They have a brilliant, darling five-year-old daughter. They lost their home several weeks back and have nothing for the holidays.

Family B:

Single mom of three kids. Mom is a COVID long-hauler. She recently lost her job but was able to start a new one. Money is still very tight, however.

Family C:

Family with six kids. Two with profound disabilities. Mom is a COVID long-hauler and facing heart valve replacement surgery. This family in particular has faced numerous challenges over the past decade, including suicide of dad.

Family E:

Single mom of four. The youngest is a COVID long-hauler. They have faced significant financial hardships over the years. They just got their first car (used), so mom is finally able to work outside the home. Little to no support over the years.

Family F:

Single mom of a teenager daughter. Mom is a COVID long-hauler. Functionally homeless. She’s always so giving and loving to others, even when she has little to give.

Please note: there is no Family D. Strange little quirk with that account this year.

May this holiday season and the new year be kind to us all.

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