Ho, ho, ho!

It’s Christmas Eve Eve, and we’re frantically trying to respond to as many messages as we can, coordinate local drop offs, and try to get some last minute attention to the still untouched lists.

Thank you so much to everyone who has pitched in this year. Your compassion will not be forgotten. I met up with one of our families briefly this morning. They are currently homeless. Several weeks ago, they were living minute by minute. But so many things have fallen together for them that Christmas truly feels like Christmas this year. We had only a small part in this. This family has been envelopes in the love and kindness of strangers and friends alike. It was the best way to start this day.

And if you are still wanting to help any of our families, it’s not too late! The needs are still there. Now that we’ve figured out how to respond to messages via the app, fire away with any questions.

May you all find some joy in this day.

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